Recreational Activities

Recreational Activities

Recreational activities are one of the company’s most distinctive features because they aim to link extracurricular activities with several academic fields in a way that enables the learner to access information through research and self-discovery. The learner’s discovery of the environment around him using his senses is one of our most important goals. Schools also do not ignore our belief in his need to relieve academic pressures, enhance social relationships, acquire life skills, and support self-confidence.

Who Wants to Be a Millionaire Program: This program focuses on conducting a scientific and cultural competition, systematic and non-systematic, in which the learner acquires several pieces of information in a distinctive and likable creative way that makes learners connect what they have learned through exchanging questions and answers.
Dom Talents Program: where we discover the learners’ talents and inclinations and work on them through a likable elimination on stage.
Educational Games Forum Program: where each academic department prepares educational games that serve its department through an open day in which parents attend to participate with their children in a likable and creative way.
Little Trader Program: where the learner buys and sells and learns self-reliance and accounting skills.
Professions Day: Learners represent the profession they want and make a simple presentation of it and the benefits and disadvantages of the profession
World Cultures Day: Where each group of learners presents a country from the selected countries and shows its diverse cultures from the famous dress, customs and traditions, food and main cities
World Spray Day: Learners shape and decorate their own shirt with the colors and shapes they want to have a distinctive mark
Colors Day
Barbecue Day: Coordinating camps, winter atmosphere and various activities
Outdoor Lesson: Preparing a lesson and presenting it outside the classrooms in the outdoor playgrounds
Winter Day: Learners follow the prevailing customs in the winter and transform the school environment into winter features and an entertaining atmosphere
World Cinema Day: Show an educational film and then learners record the notes and the benefit they gained
Puppet Day and imitating characters


Little Teacher
I am the leader today: The learner participates with the manager in hosting him in the office and assigning him the tasks of the manager
Tea Party Day
Cupcake Decorating
Historical Figures Day
Airports Day
Little Baker Day
Environment Day
Open days, festivals and various carnivals
Agriculture Day.
Dom Schools Press Program
Jungle Day

And many activities in which we take into account age characteristics and integrate and achieve goals in a way that benefits the learner

Scientific and recreational trips

Our schools are keen to organize educational and recreational trips as an essential part of the educational process, as they are an effective way to enhance learning outside the classroom. These trips contribute to developing learners’ skills and enhancing their passion for exploration and knowledge, by providing fun practical and recreational experiences and integrating the needs for that. These trips are also carefully planned to ensure that educational and social goals are achieved, taking into account safety and security requirements, making them an integrated experience that enhances the spirit of cooperation and belonging among learners, and leaves a positive impact on their educational journey.

Science Gallery
King Salman Oasis
Historical Museum
Educational Centers and Universities
Mishkat Exhibition
Turaif Sculpture Center

And many places that are coordinated and scheduled in an annual plan
